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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pressures on Bloggers by Publicists


There's a wave of frustration going through the blogging world about PR practitioners and their expectations of blogging sources, almost as if some publicists are acting as a regulatory force, asking questions such as:

  • “How many unique users?”
  • “How many page views?”
  • “How fast can you get our review on your site?”
  • “Have you won any awards in the past?”
  • “Send us links to past reviews you’ve written.”
  • “What angle will you take with this feature? -- prblognews.com
Why shouldn't bloggers who claim to be media credible be held to the same standards of legitimate media? And at the same time, why are those who are product reviewers, etc. being pressured by publicists?
My stance on this issue goes along with the idea that some blogs are indeed corrupt and are not operating for solely professional purposes, but the internet is so vast now that there really are lines drawn all over the topic of what is acceptable media, such as the blog in question.

And then there's the tangled web of non-bloggers and free publicity that some bloggers have to face, as their popularity grows and according to a post by Krizia, the author of the link below,

"My theory is simple: Publicists and companies now know that bloggers have a lot of weight on the Web and with the recession hitting advertising budgets really hard, publicists are turning to bloggers to get the word out about their products and also as quick way to getting into social media networks without having to spend any money." -A guest post by Krizia from Eat Smart Age Smart

The original topic:

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