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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Stay In School.

Media on Obama Education speech.

Obama's intent of his PSA to schoolchildren was not to brainwash socialism into young minds. It started out, and should have stayed a simple encouraging speech to children in schools. Unfortunately, it was made into a political debate and referred to as"political agenda to indoctrinate students," said Tom Benning.

Blog Link:

Texas Republicans in FBISD in Houston, Texas even went so far as to send home letters asking parents if they wanted their kids to watch or to do another activity during the program.

The conservatives are afraid to promote his views or attitudes (scared little ones will switch over to the evil side)
Is this entirely reasonable?

Is the media perpetuating anti-Obama views? This sends the message that it's okay to ban Presidential opinion.
It is always good for kids to hear one has to work hard for their future and to take their education seriously, or is there something legitimately wrong with that?

From a PR perspective, as discussed in class, it's important to understand the attitudes and concerns of the parents (community) for or against obama's efforts to advance the education levels and attitudes of students.

The parents are the ones who are able to make a big deal out of it, so the parents are the ones who should be reached, reassured, and informed about Presidential broadcasts. Apparently, there should have been more informing and clarifying going on.
This isn't health care reform or about the war in the middle east. The objective of the president was obviously just to promote staying in school and to clarify his vision for education. Which he should care about, right?

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